VAT (Value Added Tax) rules are changing July 1st, 2021
Are you an e-commerce seller who is selling outside of Canada? Did you know that the VAT Rules for the EU are changing on July 1, 2021? We have partnered with 1StopVAT who specialize in all things Sales Tax to provide you will a basic understanding of the VAT Rules and how they may affect your business.

How A2X and Financly are solving Shopify and Amazon accounting headaches
Welcome Financly Bookkeeping Solutions – A2X’s first Canadian Partner.
We are excited to welcome Financly Bookkeeping Solutions as A2X’s first Canadian Partner. Teresa Slack is one of the two owners and founders of Financly Bookkeeping Solutions – a cloud-based, virtual bookkeeping service for modern businesses that need a dynamic accounting team.

Creating happy customers and team members.
I have learned over my many years of customer service delivery that the more I understand my client’s personality the better the interaction goes. Whether dealing with an upset client or trying to maximize a sales interaction the more you reflect their personality style the more successful the interaction will be.

Super charge your teams success.
“Our employees are our most valuable resource”
These words were said to me 30 years ago when I was starting out in my career. My mentor at the time said this to me and it was like a light bulb turned on in my head. I had never thought like that.

Creating team engagement and loyalty.
Being valued as a human being and not just a job function can help make our employees feel appreciated. Here are a couple of examples of staff interactions that can either create loyalty or destroy it.

Recognizing a scam.
There are many fraud types, including new ones invented daily.
Taxpayers should be vigilant when they receive, either by telephone, mail, text message or email, a fraudulent communication that claims to be from the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) requesting personal information such as a social insurance number, credit card number, bank account number, or passport number.

50% discount on Quickbooks Online Subscriptions!
Are you considering QuickBooks Online as your bookkeeping solution? We can help! Whether you need our help getting your books set up and running or whether you want to do it on your own when you buy your subscription through Financly Business Solutions you will receive a 50% discount on your subscription for the next 2 years

Four ways to deal with difficult customer conversations.
There are times when we need to deal with a customer that is out of control. These situations can be stressful, but when handled well they can be incredibly rewarding interactions for both you and your customer.
Here are some suggestions that may help you in these situations: